About us - Dart Biology

Dart Publishing
Supporting Biology teachers in Scotland since 1995
Site updated: 30th January 2024
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Rab and Tony have known each other for a very long time, and have been "Dart Publishing" for a quarter of a century.  Having met at university and by coincidence starting teaching in the same school, both were disappointed by the lack of support materials available. They wrote stuff for their own classes, as all teachers need to do from time to time, and shared it.  At first it was a bartering matter, but increasingly they realised that lots of colleagues didn't have either the time, inclination or the facilities to produce materials.

And so Dart (a cunning anagram of TA and RD!) came into being. Although their personalities are very different, both are preoccupied with producing the best possible materials, and particularly with "sticking to the syllabus".

They have each spent a great deal of time working for the SQA as markers, setters, examiners, moderators and appeals adjudicators.
Sad though it is, they happily spend much of their lives with a copy of an Arrangements Document by their side pounding away at a keyboard.
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